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Dec 15, 2016

For some, social integration is a new challenge caused by globalization and cultural change. For others, inequality and segregation have long been strains on civil society. In this episode, Michael Nutter, former mayor of Philadelphia, and Kamal Al-Solaylee, journalist and author of Brown: What Being Brown in the World...

Dec 8, 2016

Anything that surprises people about President-elect Trump shouldn’t surprise them too much, says Chinese entrepreneur and 2016 Scholl Fellow Victor Yuan. In the latest Deep Dish podcast, Yuan talks with Council experts about the potential points of conflict and consensus between the next US administration and China.

Dec 1, 2016

Washington Post chief correspondent Dan Balz sits down with the Council's Ivo Daalder, Brian Hanson, and Richard Longworth to discuss how Trump redefined the debate on globalization and what the 2016 election exposed about the US identity and its role in the world.